Escape the city’s concrete jungle and discover the Daintree Rainforest

Daintree Rainforest by stephmcg (creative commons)

Daintree Rainforest by stephmcg (creative commons)

For most of us city dwellers, the concrete jungle is our natural habitat. Finding ourselves most comfortable amidst the skyscrapers, the hustle and bustle, crowds upon crowds of people, buses, taxis, weaving cyclists – the most exotic animal that we may stumble across being that of a small dog dressed in a stylish outfit being carried in a designer handbag! It is no surprise then that those who live and work in the city lose touch with nature and find it difficult to find time in our jam packed schedules to escape and breathe in some clean air.

Yet, according to popular opinion, the benefits of simply taking time out, seeking a change of scenery, and being amongst the natural world reaps huge benefits for the body, mind, and soul. The doctor orders us to do so, with stress induced health conditions on the rise dramatically in recent years, a restful break in nature could do more good than we traditionally thought. So pack up your backpack, find the bug stray, restock your sun tan lotion –  and most importantly clear time in your schedule – for a much needed vacation away from the concrete streets of your natural habitat.

There is no where one can immerse themselves more truly in Mother Nature than in the depths of a tropical rainforest. The world-famous Daintree Rainforest can be found on the north east coast of Queensland, Australia, north of Mossman and Cairns. The Daintree is the largest continuous area of tropical rainforest on the Australian continent coming in at 2,600 km² in total size. Recognised as a world heritage site, the Daintree rainforest is home to a number of endangered species including the popular Bennett’s Tree-kangaroo. There are around 430 species of birds and 12,000 species of insects living in the area. The areas accounts for 65% of Australia’s bat and butterfly species.

Tree Kangeroo by Timmy Toucan (creative commons)

Tree Kangeroo by Timmy Toucan (creative commons)

The thought of a stay in the rainforest may conjure to the mind images of tents and tree huts, but fear not! Even in the rainforest you are able to find spectacular boutique accommodation at the Bloomfield Lodge. No bugs, spiders or sleeping bags in sight just breathe taking vistas of the rainforest canopy. This type of accommodation provides the chance to experience the best of both worlds – relaxing and stylish accommodation combined with the tropical wildlife and nature of the Daintree Rainforest.

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